Articles 2021 21. Self-efficacy is one of the largest predictors of exercise adherence 20. Cooler doesn’t mean better 19. Roughly 3,500 calories 18. can you do this? 17. Why is something as basic as sleep so hard to get sometimes? 16. How to improve motivation in the gym 15. Training or Exercising? 14. Weighted Pull-up 13. The quickest way to shed body fat 12. Farmer’s Carry! 11. On a more positive note… 10. Quick note on Support Systems 9. Ah damn! Hard truth... 8. You know what sucks? (I'm sick of this) 7. Chill out bro! 6. 3 simple ways to increase intensity for any exercise! 5. You have a party coming up and are nervous about eating or drinking something that is going to ruin your gym progress! What do you do?! 4. It's about showing up consistently 3. It’s not a Mustard Belt… 2. Brooooo-tein 1. What is this salad?